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AEP PRO 5.72 - New file decryption window.

February 17, 2013

We are glad to introduce the version 5.72.

In this version we replaced old decryption window by the new one. It is very easy to use.

new decryption window

it works in several modes and provides ability to enter simple password, load it from usb flash drive, enter it from virtual keyboard and load from binary file.

ability to select private key file

Also it is possible to set the private key file (PKI encryption).

possibility to use all decryption keys located on usb flash drives

And also it is possible to choose decryption mode, when AEP uses all possible decryption keys from all connected usb flash drives to decrypt your file.

decrypt, edit and encrypt again

And, of course, AEP provides possibility to click encrypted file (for example on the Desktop), enter password and edit it in the associated application (for example in the Microsoft (R) Excel). When you close the document, it will be re-encrypted automatically.

This version is the first build in the line of future versions under our global strategy to replace all outdated parts of the user inteface of the Advanced Encryption Package application.



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